Boat Accidents

Boat Accident Attorneys in Phoenix, Arizona

Many of Arizona’s residents seek the respite of the ocean, lakes and waterways during the hot, humid summer months. When people get around water, whether they’re boating, water skiing, swimming or jet skiing, injuries can and do happen. Injuries are even more common when alcohol or drugs are involved. 

The number of boating accidents in Arizona has been increasing slightly in recent years but tends to remain relatively steady. In 2014 there were 92 reported boating accidents. In 2016 there were 112. In 2017 there were 12 fatal boat accidents resulting in 14 boating deaths. Alcohol was a contributing factor to 11 boat accidents in 2017, two of the fatalities and nine boat-related injuries. 

There are many recreational bodies of water in the state, many of which get a high volume of traffic during the warm months when people are trying to find relief from the heat. When you get a lot of boaters in the same area, many of which are overindulging in alcohol and other substances, accidents can happen. 

Boating Is Not a No-Holds-Barred Activity 

Some people who are just heading out to the lake for a good time may be under the impression that anything goes. There are no speed limit signs posted and few law enforcement boats around, so there must be no rules. 

This is not the case. There are clear laws regarding boat operation. If a boat operator fails to follow these laws and causes an injury as a result, they can be held liable for the costs associated with those injuries. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse! 

Some prohibited activities include: 

Carelessly operating a boat with disregard for other people or personal property
Operating a boat at speeds that are inappropriate or unsafe for the area  of life and living standards don’t suffer as a result of their tragic loss? 
Operating a boat while under the influence of drugs or alcohol

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